Plan ahead with your Direct Debits and Avoid Early or Late Collections

In order to collect Direct Debits on time, Service Users should be aware of the Bacs Processing Cycle. Deciding when files should be sent to Bacs can be affected by a range of factors, including:

  • Planned collection dates
  • When the Direct Debit Instructions were submitted
  • Bank holidays
  • Weekends 
  • Staff holidays and planned absence
  • File formats (and whether a date is included within the file).

If staff know when files should be submitted to Bacs they can help ensure that Direct Debits are collected on time. In turn, this will help avoid the headaches of early Direct Debit collection; ensure Direct Debit Scheme compliance and prevent any delays in receiving income arising from collecting Direct Debits late.

Bacs Processing Cycle

Direct Debit and Direct Credit files are processed according to the Bacs 3-day Cycle:


  1. = Input Day – Service user or their Bureau transmits data to Bacs
  2. = Processing Day – Accepted data is processed by Bacs
  3. = Entry Day – AUDDIS transactions go Live and/or Direct Debits are collected

Remember: Service Users can submit Bacs files up to 30 calendar days in advance of the processing date as long as the correct date is  included in the Bacs submission. If files are not submitted in advance, Bacs recommend submission on Input Day.

Download the Bacs Processing Calendar

Plan ahead. Ensure your staff have access to the Bacs Processing Calendar by downloading it today (below). 

Avoid errors and delayed collections

Plan Ahead

The Value of Training

Bacs Accredited training will ensure that staff understand the Bacs Cycle and how to avoid errors and the associated costs of rectifying these. Read more about our training options on our website or if you would like to discuss how training can benefit your organisation, contact us today.